well, another brou-ha- ha at Discogs over data entry of the radio station premium. I had maintained that the Premiums were Not Bootlegs and should not be labeled as Unofficial Release or
Assumed some sort of permission was given by the artists or their agents. (well ok that was naive). Premiums were given to people who had donated to the station, after the fact, and were marked Not For Sale. [ The station is 100% listener-supported , no N.P. R. , no current university status or or anything like that ] They, the CDRs, were Not Sold at the point that they were released. Later, of course, as used items, they get sold any old place, as would a WCBS Compilation or any other record, CD or CDR... or cassette. Exception you cannot sell them on
Discogs if they are listed in discogs as "unauthorised". Eventually decided to avoid Discogs in order not to to sow confusion----> ( because, according to
goobypls, these are all bootlegs !)
Really, just avoiding adding any more of these to the database. No more in the mix. *Pity, since the mission of discogs, apparently was to help eliminate confusion.
Well, as it turns out, The items in question were mostly from a collection of DJs at a certain radio station* and they are mostly basically Mixtapes. (The exception being the in-station Live performances, of which there are several. The dispute was about the Compilations.
So yeah, I was wrong.
* the station is clearly the best on the planet in terms of music programming, no doubt about it in my mind.